Results cross-border study H2 Link Regions

The online closing meeting of the ‘H2LinkRegions’ project took place last 3 December. This project researched the opportunities for hydrogen applications in the German-Dutch border region Groningen-Drenthe and Lower Saxony. The project is funded under the European subsidy scheme of INTERREG Deutschland-Netherlands. The aim of this grant is to promote cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands.
Special role
The northwest of Germany and the northeast of the Netherlands can play a special role in the implementation of recently developed hydrogen strategies. In particular, the Dutch provinces of Groningen and Drenthe and the German region of North-Western Lower Saxony, the region investigated in this study, have good conditions to expand the hydrogen economy. Not only are they important production sites for renewable energy, but they also have sufficient storage capacity and associated infrastructure. The energy sector is an important economic factor for the region.
Systematic study
While the national and regional hydrogen strategies address the need for and the potential of cross-border cooperation, so far no systematic study of the potential of such cooperation has been carried out. The Oldenburg Energy Cluster (OLEC) and New Energy Coalition (NEC) have seized this opportunity and commissioned such a study.